I was looking through a box of books, and came across "Small and Simple things", by Marjorie Pay Hinckely. I frogot I even had this. I believe my cousin Kenny gave it to me but I can't remember if it was for my birthday or for Christmas. Either way, I am glad he gave it too me, and I have come across a couple of quotes that I like. "Who knows but that something wonderful may happen today. Have faith that it will. After all, every morning is a chance at a new day."
"Sometimes the pattern of life seems a little monotonous--and discouraging. It is like climbinb a mountain and, after reaching the top, getting knocked back down to the bottom to climb it again; but i guess the fun is in climbing and not in arriving. I hope so!" I really liked these two quotes and wanted to share them. I have read them before, but it always helps to read them again and again. Reminds us why we are here, and that we can succeed. I love you all, and hope you have a wonderful week!