Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Week Down!

Well, i have finished my first week of school, and for the most part I think I will really enjoy all of my classes. I also bought all of my books today and it cost me 205.70 disgusting i know, and that was even buying two of them off line. Next semester I am going to buy all of them off line. Majority of the time the books were at least $10 cheaper and that was with shipping and handling. School is so freakin expensive I just can't stand it. I can't wait until I am done with school and I no longer have to fork out thousands of dollars for three freaking classes. It is ridiculous, I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate the price of school. Other than that school was great. I love my Tuesday class, it is all about understanding children, which will really help in my primary class. There is this one kid in my class, who is a foster kid, that i can not control at all. No matter what I say or do I can't get him to follow along or even participate, so hopefully these classes will help find a better way to motivate him and get him to really enjoy coming to church.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friends blog

I now have a blog page. One i had to make for school, and i believe it is to post things that are appropriate for teachers, parents, and students to read, so i don't think they want to hear about my everyday life.
So, yesturday i just found out that i made the highest team at my studio. I made "A" team, and i am so excited. It is going to be really challenging and will probably kick my butt, but i am stoked. I also will start teaching at the studio this year. I will teach two ballet classes on tuesday nights. I am really nervous but also super excited.
I had my technology class yesterday, and will have two more classes this week and then i will be done for school for the rest of the week.
Another exciting thing that is going to be happening, is i am getting my hair cut next wed. and im stoked. It is hopefully going to like Reece Witherspoon from Sweet Home Alabama! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!